I conduct a range of courses in the Grange University Hospital:
PROMPT (Practical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training) course - Obstetric lead in our PROMT department (Till August 2023)
Covers the management of a range of obstetric emergency situations. It contributes to the training standards for the Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts (CNST) in England and Wales, as well as being best practice in many other countries.
ROBust - RCOG Operative Vaginal Birth Simulation Training - Lead by Sajitha Parveen and Manju Nair twice a year
The aim of the course is to provide instruction and hands-on practice in all methods of operative vaginal birth (both non-rotational and rotational) to facilitate the achievement of the OSAT competencies on the RCOG Training matrix.
Techniques for performing a Caesarean Section at full dilatation are also covered. The course consists of short lectures, hands-on workshops and small group discussions on teamwork and communication.
CTG/STAN Masterclass - Lead by Sajitha Parveen twice a year
Structure and Aim of Masterclass:The structure of the courses consists of 1-day ('CTG Master Class: Fundamentals of Fetal Monitoring' and ST analysis)
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